Teen Programs

Teen Leadership

The Leaders-in-Training (LIT) program at Camp Fuller is a transformative experience designed to empower young individuals with leadership skills and foster personal growth. Participants engage in a dynamic curriculum that includes team-building activities, outdoor adventures, and workshops on communication and problem-solving, all within the beautiful natural setting of Camp Fuller. This four-week program equips teenagers with the tools and confidence to become effective leaders, emphasizing values such as responsibility, resilience, and empathy, while creating lasting bonds with peers in a supportive and enriching environment.

Eligible for those entering Grade 11


Session 1 - June 23 to July 20

Session 2 - July 21 to August 17

Cost: $3,950

Non-refundable 25% deposit due at time of registration - $987.50

LIT (Leaders-In-Training)

CIT (Counselor-In-Training)

The Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program at Camp Fuller offers a hands-on opportunity for young individuals to immerse themselves in the world of camp counseling. This four-week program provides aspiring leaders with practical experience in guiding and mentoring campers, honing their communication and problem-solving skills. Through a blend of training sessions, shadowing experienced counselors, and taking on increasing responsibilities, CIT participants gain a deep understanding of the intricacies of camp life and develop the qualities necessary to become effective and compassionate camp counselors in the future.

Eligible for those entering Grade 12


Session 1 - June 23 to July 20

Session 2 - July 21 to August 17

Cost: $740

Non-refundable registration must be made in full